
Mon, 19 Oct, 2020

How to Start and Promote Your Own Podcast!

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A podcast is an audio program that can be downloaded or subscribed to on your electronic devices, such as mobile phones or computers. The listeners choose a specific podcast for news updates, entertainment, or topics related to a specific industry. The podcast listeners have grown tremendously in the past few years, and you can be a part of this revolution.

Here are a few easy steps to start and promote your own podcast:

Decide The Reason And Choose A Topic/Genre

Two girls doing a podcast

The first thing you have to do is decide why you want to create a podcast. Maybe you want to tell stories, maybe you want to give your opinions, or maybe you want to share your scientific knowledge with them. It is important to choose a topic first so that you can set a tone for your audience. Narrow it down so that the early listeners could get a hint of what they could expect from your podcast. You can choose a topic.

Finalize A Name For Your Podcast

Naming a podcast will give it a definite identity from the beginning. Choosing a name for your podcast is one of the most important tasks you need to do. Keep the name attractive. It could be descriptive, giving details about your podcast, or it could be small but intriguing. However, while getting creative in choosing a name, remember that it must be self-descriptive.

Choose A Unique Format, Structure, And Style For Your Podcast

A man doing a podcast

In this step, you have to select the length of the podcast episodes. It could range from anything between 5 minutes to under an hour. Try not to keep the podcast episodes longer than an hour because they lose interest in the longer episodes.

For the structure, make sure to keep it consistent. It could have a teaser, introduction music, or simple intro, interviews, and music at the end. It really depends on what is available to you. Construct a format and stick to it.

Ensure that your format and uploading schedule is consistent. It makes sure that the listeners are aware when your podcast is uploaded, and they don’t miss it. It also forms a unique character for the podcast.

Find And Research For Good Quality Content

Good quality content is a must for a successful podcast. You must always research the content you have collected to ensure that there are no mistakes or factual errors. Also, stay with the topic or the idea of the podcast and don’t stray from it. Try to introduce an element of surprise of something unknown to keep it interesting. Choose and use the words wisely in tune with your podcast topic.

Recording And Editing Your Podcast

For basics, use your smartphone recorder in a quiet place. Ensure that there are no background noises. After recording, check if it needs any voice modulation or for mistakes. Then either you can edit it in free audio editing software or the paid ones. Add music if you want to, and then it is ready to be published.

Promoting Your Podcast

Along with creating a podcast, it is crucial to promote your podcast in the beginning. Share the podcast link or a small preview on your social media platform. Take help from parents, friends, and teachers to spread the word about your new podcast. You can also use a blog to reach a wider audience. 

You can use preexisting social media accounts or create new ones specifically for them. Make sure to keep it interesting, creative, and relevant to the topic. Make sure to post regularly to remind people about your podcast.

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  1. Does it cost money to create a podcast?

No. The basic podcasts can be created using basic smartphones you or your parents have. All you have to do is record your content and upload it to any podcast platform.

  1. Can I start a podcast by myself?

Yes. You can start a podcast by yourself if you have some stories or content to share with people in audio format. If you think this is the format that suits your content the best, then start a podcast now.

  1. How long should my podcasts be?

Ideally, podcasts should not be less than 5 minutes and more than 1 hour. People tend to lose interest in hour-long podcasts.

  1. Can I interview someone for my podcast?

Yes, if you find someone relevant to the topic you are presenting for your podcast, make sure they include their interview in it to make it more interesting for the listeners. You can also base your podcast on interviews.

  1. Do I need special equipment for starting my podcast?

No. You can start a basic podcast channel by using your smartphone and recording it. But if you want a good quality podcast for the long term, you can invest in a few cheap pieces of equipment like a microphone or software for editing the podcast content.

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